Fellowship, homesickness, heroism and sorrow
The Likely UN soldier is an exhibition based on the material of the Peace Archives. The exhibition aims to highlight and provide perspectives on concepts such as manliness and masculinity in connection with Swedish participation in international peace-keeping and peace-enforcing operations.
To give further insight into the subject of masculinity, the stories below are accompanied by an introduction.
The Peace Archives at the Folke Bernadotte Academy hope that you as a visitor will gain an insight into the individual human lives and experiences presented.
"The time down here seems like a year"
Three generations divide Ivar af Sillén and Otto Ringheim. Their innermost feelings that they are wrestling with during the effort are the same
"Take it like a man, as you say"
How difficult message from home should be handled
Stig von Bayer and Thorvald Glantz evict missionaries in the Congo during a deadly confrontation between the UN soldiers and the Mulele warriors
"We have avenged him a hundredfold"
Through photos, letters and an interview, we get to know Lasse Frost who participated as a UN soldier in the Congo
Erik Lindholm about the time as UN soldier in the Congo and how he seeks his role among his peers on the same mission
The party and the alcohol in Bankeryd, southern Sweden
"The women surely could look the other way if they happened to see my legs"
Jan Anderlund becomes involuntarily a sex object during his mission in Syria, the Middle East